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The Alpine View – IPE D.A.CH Conference

2023: Alternative Currencies and Funding

Wednesday, October 25th 2023, Belvoir Park, Zurich

Executive Summary

The IPE D.A.CH Conference is designed to be a summary of the year in review and a preview for the coming year. Focus targets are important investment topics of the current year with regular spotlights on the main investment regions of the USA and Asia, themes of ESG and Real Assets and the economic drivers for the current year.


The Audience of “The Alpine View - the IPE D.A.CH Conference” will be from the entire DACH-region: Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein and include Institutional investors as family office, pension funds, treasury & corporate and their consultants.



08:00-08:45 Registration and Coffee  
08:45-09:00 Welcome  
09:00-09:20 Keynote / Opening Presentation  
09:25-10:05 Panel: How Long Can/Will the US-Dollar survive?
Jonah Otto, Chair of Management & Organisation-University of Augsburg
10:10-10:50 Panel: A Sea of Change: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain & NFTs
Dr. Giuseppe Ballocchi
Manuel Villegas, Julius Baer
10:55-11:35 Panel: Blended Finance, Private Equity and Private Debt
Diego Föllmi, CEO, Herens Quality Asset Management
Simon Tribelhorn, CEO, Liechtenstein Bankers Association
11:40-12:00 Open Q&A, Wrap-Up & Preview 2024  
12:00-12.45 Flying Buffet  


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